About this site



Since it affects your use of this website, please review our Privacy Policy so you understand our privacy practices.

Use of website is "as is"

The services offered on this website are provided "as is," with no warranties of any kind. For example, because the reports you get through this site are produced by the three nationwide credit reporting companies, we cannot guarantee that they are complete and accurate. If you are not comfortable using this website, you may ask for your free annual credit reports by phone or mail.

Trademark rights

The trademarks, service marks and logos (the "Trademarks") used in this website are registered and unregistered trademarks belonging to Equifax, Experian, TransUnion, and Central Source LLC, or to the owners of those companies. The Trademark owner has exclusive rights to the Trademarks. You may not use or display any of the Trademarks unless the Trademark owner gives you permission, in writing.

Links to other Websites

This website contains links to third party websites. We cannot guarantee any third party website that you may access through the links. Our links to those sites does not mean that we endorse those sites, or that we accept any responsibility for the content or use of those websites.


Central Source LLC holds the copyright to this site. The copyright was issued in 2022. We reserve all rights to the site and its content. You may not reproduce, change, or distribute any part of this website in any way until you get written permission from us.


Since it affects your use of this website, please review our Security Policy to understand our security practices and what you can do to protect your personal information. Make sure you are on https://www.AnnualCreditReport.com before you ask for a free credit report.

Browser compatibility

The following browser versions have been tested for an optimal browsing experience from a desktop computer. If the browser you are using is not on the list below, you may not have access to all functions within the website.

  • Microsoft Edge 128
  • Mozilla Firefox 130
  • Google Chrome 128
  • Safari Version 17.6

This site also supports browsing from a smart phone or tablet device. For an optimal browsing experience, we recommend using the following screen resolution based on your specific device:

  • Smart Phone - 375 x 667 
  • Small Tablet - 412 x 659
  • Large Landscape Tablet - 1024 x 768

Newer versions of many browsers include security features to help prevent someone from stealing your identity and other information. Some of these newer security features may prevent this site from working properly, and you may have to turn those features off while using the site.